Home -> {{bmf.businessLegalName.textContent}} (id: {{bi}}) -> Business license fee -> Invoice payment

Thankyou we have received your payment.

License fee for the usage of BAS Off for up to {{maxemployees}} employees for a period of 1 year: {{licensefeeformatted}} including GST (Australian dollars). Once payment is complete we will issue you with a Tax Invoice.

We offer a 30 day money back guarantee after which there are no refunds.

Please click the below button to make payment using the St George Bank hosted payments page. A window will pop up for you to make the payment. Once payment is complete you will be directed back to this page to print your Tax Invoice.

Click here to open the payments page

If this page says the invoice is unpaid but you have paid is please click this button for us to recheck with the bank if payment happened. Sometimes it checks too quickly and the payment has not been recorded yet.

Please print this page as a copy of your tax invoice
ABN: {{license_fee.licenseFeeFromABN.textContent}}
{{license_fee.licenseFeeFromLocalityName.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeFromStateOrTerritory.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeFromPostcode.textContent}}

Tax Invoice

Invoice to:
ABN: {{license_fee.licenseFeeToABN.textContent}}
{{license_fee.licenseFeeToLocalityName.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeToStateOrTerritory.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeToPostcode.textContent}}
Invoice reference{{license_fee.licenseFeeInvoiceReference.textContent}}
Invoice date{{invdateformatted}}
Invoice amount{{license_fee.licenseFeeAmount.textContent}}
{{license_fee.licenseFeeDescription.textContent}}, expires: {{expdateformatted}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeAmount.textContent}}
paid: {{license_fee.licenseFeePaymentTime.textContent}}, by: {{license_fee.licenseFeePublicKeyIdentifier.textContent}}, ref: {{license_fee.licenseFeeTxnreference.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeResponseCode.textContent}} {{license_fee.licenseFeeResponseText.textContent}}